Friday, October 3, 2008

Tell us how you really feel.

The editor of the international edition of Newsweek, Fareed Zakaria, published a scathing editorial disparaging the experience and qualifications of McCain’s vice presidential pick Sarah Palin. In an opening request that is sure to resonate with many liberal and left-leaning moderates(not to mention a few veering to the other side of the road), Zakaria asks if someone won’t “please put Sarah Palin out of her misery?” If that plea leaves any doubt as to where the author stands with regard to senator McCain’s nominee, the rest of Mr. Zakaria’s editorial is sure dispel any lingering misconceptions.

Mr. Zakaria’s commentary was published in Newsweek shortly after Governor Palin appeared in a third interview with CBS’s Katie Couric, an interview in which Governor Palin did…well, let’s just say she did less than stellar. The author argues that Sarah Palin, while a “charismatic politician who has done good things in Alaska”, is completely unqualified for the office of the vice president and should ‘fall on her sword’, so to speak, and resign from the republican ticket. Citing many of the Governor’s responses during this interview as evidence of her lack of political experience and sophistication, and given the challenging climate the country faces, Zakaria argues that it was “fundamentally irresponsible” for John McCain to pick her as his running mate.

In his commentary, I believe Mr. Zakaria states the concerns and beliefs of many political pundits (and many average American as well) that feel hindered, by the perception of sexism, bullying or their general duty to impartiality, to state their dismay for Senator McCain’s pick for running mate. Only time will tell if the American electorate shares the views of Newsweek’s international editor.

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