Friday, December 12, 2008

Democratic Oligarchy: Propostion 8

The author of the blog ‘Democratic Oligarchy’ posted a piece on the 2nd of December regarding the circumstances surrounding the passage of Proposition 8 in California. Entitled simply ‘Proposition 8,’ the article outlined the author’s favorable stance towards gay rights and his opposition to the passing of the proposition that would constitutionally define marriage in the state of California as a union only between a man and a woman. Likening the movement for greater recognition of gay rights to the civil rights struggles of the African-American and Latino minority groups in the 1960’s, the author makes it clear that this minority group should receive equal status under the law.
I agree completely with the author’s sentiments in this article. Gays and lesbians deserve every right afforded straight members of our society. The author makes an impassioned argument for greater recognition of an often overlooked minority that appears to still have a long fight ahead of it for full recognition in our society.

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